Blog Tour – Bodyguard to the Billionaire by Nana Malone

Blog Tour – Bodyguard to the Billionaire by Nana Malone Blog Tour – Bodyguard to the Billionaire by Nana Malone Derrick Arlington est l'un des milliardaires les plus convoités du monde. Élu Homme le plus sexy du monde-2 années de suite. Et il se trouve que je lui ressemble trait pour trait. Ça ne sert à rien tant qu'on ne m'offre pas un vrai travail. C'était censé être si simple. Aller dans les Winston Isles, prendre sa place en tant que son double pour quelques semaines, retourner à ma vie. Mais quand notre plan soigneusement élaboré tourne mal et que le milliardaire disparaît, je n'ai d'autre choix que de prendre sa place et d'engager un garde du corps. Le meilleur du milieu : une garde du corps femme à la langue bien pendue et au cul d'enfer. Zia Barnes est la DERNIÈRE chose dont je veux, même si j'ai besoin d'elle. Elle est déterminée, intelligente et ne sait pas que je suis un imposteur. Heureusement que je n'ai pas l'intention de tomber amoureux d'elle, sinon je serais royalement foutu. Blog Tour – Bodyguard to the Billionaire by Nana Malone Blog Tour – Bodyguard to the Billionaire by Nana Malone

"Get rid of her, or she comes with us."
"I'm not going anywhere, buddy." I jabbed him in the chest in an attempt to create more space. In close combat with this guy, I'd lose. Sure, I was faster and nimbler. But one good hit and I'd be down.
His sharp, slashing brows drew down. "Suit yourself. I know what to do with someone like you."
I'd bet he did. And none of those things included me sleeping in my warm cozy bed tonight. "Babe, come on the royal family wants a photo."
Gray Eyes arched a brow. "Darling, you go ahead I'll meet you there." His voice was sin and bad decisions mixed together.
I stood my ground. Now was no time for him to be noble. "Oh, I know King Sebastian insists."
"I'll have to pass, love."
"Yeah, you heard him, he'll have to -"
He was talking and also raising his right arm. All I saw was the black gleam, and I acted, launching myself in the air and slamming against Gray Eyes. Toppling him over and covering his body with mine, tranq gun raised.
Wasting no time, I squeezed twice. The asshole about to shoot at us was big. Who knew if two doses would be enough? But I was prepared to run.
The muscle-bound brute fell to his knees. I rolled on my back, ready for anything.
But I didn't need to worry. Two hits with the tranq had done the job.
I sucked in a shuddering breath.
When I turned to my bed of muscles, he was glaring at me. "Do you have a bloody death wish?"
His voice had lost some of the sin quality. It was colder, like he was pissed.
I pushed to my feet. "What? You wanted me to let you go with that asshole? He was going to kill you."
"I promise you, I'm quite capable."
Unbelievable. "You could have fooled me. Men wielding weapons and shoving you into a car are generally bad news."
His gaze narrowed as he glowered at me. "I had it under control."
I crossed my arms. "Oh, so you're delusional. Okay then. Goodbye, crazy. And P.S. You're welcome."
"You generally only say thank you when you're glad someone did something."
I shook my head. "For fuck's sake. Next time I'll let you die then. Pity. You look expensive, like someone would miss you, but it's no skin off my back. I'll just let the homicidal asshole kill you when he wakes up."
"You could have been hurt. Did you pay attention to what just happened?"
"You mean besides me putting on a display of badassery the likes of which you've never seen? I also made this couture look damn good. Oh yes... and saved your ass."
"My ass didn't need saving, princess."
"I'm not a princess, asshole. I'm a King's Knight. I don't need anybody to save me. Have a nice life." As I strutted off, I flipped him the bird.

USA Today Best Seller, Nana Malone's love of all things romance and adventure started with a tattered romantic suspense she " borrowed " from her cousin.

It was a sultry summer afternoon in Ghana, and Nana was a precocious thirteen. She's been in love with kick butt heroines ever since. With her overactive imagination, and channeling her inner Buffy, it was only a matter a time before she started creating her own characters.

While she waits for her chance at a job as a ninja assassin, in the meantime Nana works out her drama, passion, and sass with fictional characters every bit as sassy and kick butt as she thinks she is.

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