Frozen Hearts #2 – Arctic Wild – Annabeth Albert (Lecture en VO)

Par Jessy @ParadisDLivres

Après ce petit avant goût laissé précédemment, il me tardait de savoir ce que Annabeth Albert allait me réserver dans ce second opus de Frazen Hearts. Et bien je ressors de ma lecture plus que ravie...

Avant d'aller plus loin, je tiens à préciser que bien qu'il s'agisse d'une suite, ce livre peut être lu indépendamment de l'autre. Cependant, je vous conseille tout de même de faire connaissance avec Griffin & River ...

" Artci Wild " c'est l'histoire de d eux forces de caractères que tout oppose, qui m'ont séduite chacun à leur manière. Reuben un grand avocat ultra sexy qui ne vit que pour son travail. Même quand il est en vacances en Alaska pour visiter des lieux extraordinaires en hydravion, il ne peut s'arrêter... Mais lorsque son pilote Toby et lui s'écrase en pleine nature sauvage, il voit les choses sous un autre angle. Il prend la décision de faire une pause dans sa carrière et de passer l'été en Alaska avec sa fille adolescente Amelia. Il décide également inviter Toby blessé à cause de l'accident pour ainsi l'aider dans sa rééducation...

Dès le début, l'alchimie entre ces deux-là est indéniable. Cependant entre doutes, douleurs, et différents problèmes personnels, leur relation ne sera pas de tout repos. Malgré cela, leur relation se développe très lentement et un lien particulier va se tisser pour prendre de l'ampleur au fil du temps...
En bref... Une fois de plus, j'ai littéralement succomber à la plume si fine d'Annabeth Albert. Un décor à couper le souffle. Une intrigue crédible. Des personnages très proches de la réalité. Des émotions vives qui sont dépeintes avec un naturel désarmant. Un décor à couper le souffle. Et un magnifique épilogue à vous redonner à coup sûr le sourire. Tout ce qu'il faut pour passer un super moment... Je dois bien avoir que ces hommes de Frozen Hearts me plaisent de plus en plus. Et je n'ai q'une hâte savoir ce que l'auteur va me réserver dans la suite à venir... À découvrir !

"Do you want to try to see bears or other wildlife when we land at Katmai? I know a good, safe trail that's fairly easy, but it has a great chance of wildlife spotting." Toby's tone was encouraging, but not pushy. "The other option is for you to settle in early at the lodge, but with it being light so long, most people like a late dinner with a hike beforehand."
"Hike sounds fine. And no need to slow yourself down on my account-choose a trail you like." He forced an optimistic tone, because he didn't want Toby thinking he needed easy options like some eighty-year-old. The same part of him that wanted to prove his doubters wrong wanted to impress Toby, but that urge carried with it an undercurrent of wanting to show off for the attractive guy, an urge Reuben hadn't had in years.
"Hey, it's your vacation." Toby offered him a lazy smile, the sort that made Reuben's insides feel decades younger. "But sure, I'll show you some of my favorite vantage points. It's not a short flight, so we'll have plenty of time for exploring."
Reuben liked the sound of that, especially since most of the next leg of the trip was over water with less scenery to distract him. However, Toby kept up a nice if crackly commentary, pointing out little dots in the water that were whales, and providing a history of the Katmai National Park and Preserve with its lava fields and unique landscape and the lakes and rivers of the region, and when they touched down on a lake, he'd almost sold Reuben on the idea of trying fly fishing in the morning as a not terrible endeavor. Apparently, the lodge had all the equipment they'd need for borrowing, and Toby's enthusiasm was infectious.
"Now I'm really wishing Craig and Leticia had come," Reuben joked as they came to a stop, before Toby had a chance to jump out. "Leticia with a fishing pole would be a sight worth seeing."
"I bet." Toby waited until he'd opened the hatches to speak again. "Wait till you have dinner-you'll want to brag on that too. This is one of the best food stops on your trip, which is why we do two nights here. I let them know you're a wine drinker, so the chef should have done some nice pairings for you."
"Now that sounds wonderful. But first we hike?" While not exactly eager, Reuben had to admit he was falling into the rhythm of the trip more, less uncomfortable than he'd been at first.
"Yeah. They'll take our luggage up to the cabins by ATV, and our hike will circle back to the main lodge in time for the dinner. There shouldn't be too many other guests as it's a fairly exclusive place." Toby set their bags on the dock right as a young woman rode up on one of those squat motorcycle-like things with the fat tires, pulling a little cart.
"Hey, Toby." She had a big smile for him and one for Reuben too. "We put your client in cabin four, near the sauna, and you're in your usual one. Don't be late for dinner!"
"We won't." Toby gave her a grin that made her cheeks go pink before he turned toward Reuben. "Your cabin has electricity and heat, and that sauna is totally worth a post-dinner try."
"I'm not usually much on recreational sweating." Reuben realized too late how that sounded, and Toby's rich chuckle said that he'd caught the unintentional joke there.
"Well, that's just too bad." Toby's tone might have been called flirty if they'd been in a bar, but out here just seemed like more of his natural charm. "Trailhead is this way."

Annabeth Albert grew up sneaking romance novels under the bed covers. Now, she devours all subgenres of romance out in the open-no flashlights required! When she's not adding to her keeper shelf, she's a multi-published Pacific Northwest romance writer.

Emotionally complex, sexy, and funny stories are her favorites both to read and to write. Annabeth loves finding happy endings for a variety of pairings and is a passionate gay rights supporter. In between searching out dark heroes to redeem, she works a rewarding day job and wrangles two children.

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