Where you can find awesome desktop wallpaper calendars for your computer (English)

Every month, I change the wallpaper on my computer's desktop. I look for two things: an image that sparks joy in me, and a calendar, to keep track of time. That helps me to get organised.

Today I'm sharing with you my favourite websites to find awesome desktop wallpapers with calendars, without having to spend some 2hrs + on Google Image (that's what I used to do when I started this).

I always stop by Smashing Magazine. this is where I found my first calendars. Unfortunately I like the artworks less and less, but I always have a look, just in case. What I like about Smashing is that they get you the wallpapers in different formats to fit the dimensions of your screen, and that you can choose between two versions of the same image: with or without calendar.

Then, the Frenchies. These three designers create monthly wallpapers for free: Milk With Mint, Paon Paon, and Goodie Mood. They're French, so guess what, their website are in French as well. But you don't need to speak French to have a look on the 1st of each month and admire their work 😉 The first two are more " flowers and romantic ", the last one is more " pop and fun ". I always like what they do.

Last but not least, you can have a look at these websites, on which you'll find tons and tons of calendars. You'll have to search and dig, but they have some beautiful wallpapers: Maxcalendars, Calendar2018i, and ifreeprintablecalendar.

That's it You are now equipped to find the perfect calendar for your own little computer!

But fear not, I've already made a selection of my own for the months to come... just in case 😉