School Days – K. Ingalls

School Days – K. IngallsSchool Days – K. Ingalls Arrowhead Freelance and Publishing

"If I don't do it, nobody else will," she thought to herself as she threw the covers off and rolled out of bed.

The persistent beeping of the alarm on her phone reminded her that she needed to leave in promptly forty-five minutes. Hurriedly, she showered as her husband woke their daughter and got their morning started. As she hopped out, her husband came into the bathroom wiping sleep from his eyes.

"Morning," he yawned.

"Good morning. How did you sleep?"

"Meh, I think we need new pillows. Ours are turning colors and poking me."

"Yeah, I think they're growing things. That's what I get for buying the cheap ones," she leaned in for a quick kiss after braiding her hair and throwing on some clothes.

"Why are you in such a hurry this morning?"

"I have students coming in for tutorials and about eighty-nine essays left to read before...

Tous 2, le roman de Testu est philosophique et spirituel à la fois